The Karate Kid franchise found new life with the sequel series Cobra Kai coming to Netflix, having previously been on YouTube Red and becoming a pop culture sensation crossing over into action figures and even a video game. Sony has plans for another Karate Kid feature film, but it’s currently unknown about its ties to the current Karate Kid cinematic universe (KKCU). Come from Sports betting site VPbet
Talking to AV Club, the original Karate Kid, and now Cobra Kai star Ralph Macchio explains that it’s a self-contained world with a lot of potential for the future to spawn even more shows.
“What characters would I like to see get spin-offs? Jon Hurwitz, Josh Heald, and Hayden Schlossberg, who created the Cobra Kai series along with their writing staff, are the best of the best at understanding this world and where they see it going,” Macchio said. “But [there are] so many wonderful young actors. They’re all turning into big stars now, but they’re all still good kids and I’m proud of them and they don’t take it for granted that they’ve had this launchpad that was set up decades before they were born.”
Macchio saw the Rocky prequel series Creed as an excellent blueprint for the KKCU and showed him the possibilities of things that could be made, saying it was a “smart way” to revisit that world and with Cobra Kai he wanted to replicate that.
The actor also mentioned the possibility of reincorporating Hillary Swank’s character Julie Pierce from The Next Karate Kid stating we don’t know her situation in life since the events of the movie and of course a possible origin story with a young Mr. Miyagi.